Boost Your Productivity With These Simple Tips

Have you ever found yourself overwhelmed with work just before a deadline? Have you ever been stressed about tasks in the back of your head that need completing? We’ve all been there. It’s human to put off uncomfortable tasks or to get stressed out about the idea of working. But often, it’s easy to become lost in such a lifestyle, and both the task outcomes and our personal wellbeing suffer as a result. Here are a few tips (compiled mainly from The New York Times: Business) to make your life more productive. Whether you are starting a business, studying for that upcoming midterm exam, or interning for a company, this advice will make your life more productive and fulfilling.

Don’t Multitask

If there is one thing to remember from this article, it’s that multitasking isn’t real. According to neuroscientists, our brains are wired to monotask, thus making multitasking a biological impossibility. You might have the feeling you are getting more done writing an email while eating breakfast and scrolling through Instagram simultaneously. But truth is, you are accomplishing neither of those tasks meaningfully. One study showed that almost 98% of people experience a decline in performance when attempting to multitask, and chances are, you are one of them. So next time you have more than one task to do, complete them in succession. You will be faster, and you will yield better results.

Identify High-Priority Tasks

This one might be the most difficult to do. It is important to identify the most important, and often the least desirable tasks, and complete them before anything else. This process will help limit procrastination and, believe it or not, actually allow you to work less. According to the 80-20 rule, roughly 20% of the tasks we do are responsible for 80% of the outcomes. In essence, this means that identifying and working on those tasks in the 20% range will help you get the most done. So next time, rather than spending lots of time on low-priority tasks while putting off the uncomfortable work, focus on the tasks that matter and watch your productivity skyrocket.

Photo by Wes Hicks on Unsplash

Be Accountable

Becoming more accountable is a small, but impactful method to making your life more productive. One way is to get yourself an accountability partner. This can be your supervisor, colleague or friend. Ask them to check up on you and periodically update them on your progress. This allows some structure in your life and acts as a barrier to laziness. Another way to add more accountability into your routines is by using to-do lists. Every evening, make sure to create a list of tasks for the following day. While pen and paper will do the trick, you might also consider using productivity apps such as Todoist. Just remember that when you note down your to-do items, make sure to keep them digestible, specific and realistic.

Be Healthy

How you treat your body has a direct effect on your productivity. This starts with a good night’s sleep. Sleeping allows our brains to process what we’ve learned and to forms new connections to fuel our creativity for the following day. With sleep deprivation, we not only lose that upper edge but might also suffer from loss of focus and mood swings, all of which are extremely counterproductive. However, even with enough sleep, you might still experience a “post-lunch dip”. In this case, a quick 10-to-20-minute power nap can help revitalize you for the rest of the day. Another easy way to get your creative juices flowing again is to get some exercise, whether it be going for a run or just standing up for a bit after a long day of sitting down.

Photo by Wes Hicks on Unsplash

This article was originally published in March 2021 in The BASE Bulletin. Cover photo by Andreas Klassen on Unsplash.

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